
Address Correction:
 Data Quality Suite

Data Tools: De-Dupe, Fielding Genderizing and Parsing:
 Match Up
 Name Object
 Right Fielder

International Address Data Correction and Geocoding:

Web Based Applications / Integrated APIs

 Accumail Frameworks
 Data Quality Suite

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Georgetown University
Washington, DC



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USA Address Correction
USA Address Correction Software
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International Address Correction Software

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Data Quality Software
Data Quality Suite

Catch errors at point of entry before they enter your database

Data Quality Suite can help you lower the costs of sales, marketing and customer service by cleaning your database of inaccurate or incomplete contact data – at point of entry.


Data Quality Suite

Catch errors at point of entry
Catch errors at point of entry before they enter your database


  • Ensure the integrity of your database, catch customer data-input errors, and standardize data for faster processing.

  • Updates area codes that have split, corrects and fills in missing area codes. Standardizes data in telephone fields.

  • Parses full names into components and appends gender code to first name. Identifies vulgar words in name field.

  • Verifies, corrects, and standardizes email addresses in batch or at point of entry. Three levels of verification: Syntax, Local Database, and MXlookup.

  • A 24/7 address verification Web service for instant address validation and phone verification, correction, geocoding, and enhancement using any operating system with XML or SOAP.


Windows, Solaris, Linux, AIX, HPUX, SQL Server

Call for Pricing: 888-970-9944 (Toll-free)

Are you losing leads because of inaccurate data entered on your website? Or wasting time and money sending mail that is undeliverable-as-addressed? Data Quality Suite can help you lower the costs of sales, marketing and customer service by cleaning your database of inaccurate or incomplete contact data – at point of entry.

Address Validation

Address Validation is performed by the Address Object API which verifies and corrects addresses at point of entry. This multi-platform tool catches customer data entry errors before they enter your database, and verifies an address is correct before shipping or mailing.

Phone Validation

Phone validation increases the call success rates experienced by your sales people or call center and helps you save on post-collection data correction. Phone Object API validates and updates phone numbers when they are entered, so you can respond to inquiries immediately, resulting in increased conversion rates and higher customer satisfaction levels.

Name Parsing and Genderizing

Also included in the suite is Name Object API, which is useful in parsing full names into components and determining the gender of the first name. Name parsing and genderizing will allow you to create personalized messages and develop gender-specific campaigns to better target your marketing efforts and increase response rates.

Email Address Validation

Increase delivery and response rates, avoid bounce-backs and reduce online fraud with accurate, legitimate email addresses. Email Object verifies, corrects, and cleans up email addresses in batch, or at point of entry- ideal for webforms-using three levels of verification: Syntax, Local Database, and MXlookup. It connects directly to their SMTP server and checks the address for you.

Add More Power

- Canadian Address Object
Use this dataset with Address Object to create lookup routines to verify, correct and standardize Canadian addresses to SERP requirements at point of entry or in batch.


Identify delivery type as residential or business prior to shipping.

Whether you choose the APIs or web service, you find our Data Quality Suite is reliable, fast and accurate – making it your best choice for real-time data validation.



540-949-7266 (Phone)

888-970-9944 (Toll-free)


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